Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's New Years Eve

Oh my how the time has gone by, I have missed a few days on here, and thinking about of this past year really brings me to tears.
We had a rough year, but what year hasnt been tough on us. Since the passing of Will's dad it seams that our years have just floated by, we do have things to remember, but it's been a hard 6 years. I cant believe that it will be 7 years in march since he has passed way. Honestly I dont think it was fair to my son to take his best friend away, him and Kieron has such a bond, it was so special. I Kieron misses him, late at night when we talk he talks about his potter.

So its new years eve and we are suppose to make resolution, but I, I have decided not too. I only say that because I cant stand the dissappointment i have when I break them, so this year there will be none. I have decided instead to plan our month out, including scheduling more family time. Oh it has been great taking the kids out at night sledding with them and pulling them in them in the sledds, I want to do more things like this. In fact it might be good for me, I might actually loss some weight, oh what a concept.

We are making plans for tongiht, we are going to take the kids down to the bowling alley, have pizza bowl a few games. Come home watch a movie, wathc the ball drop, toast and go to bed. When did we get so old, that we can't stay out and party anymore. Oh the times. Well its all about family now.

Kelby is just like a wild man turned loss, he has made some many messes these past couple of days. Oh he goes full speed all the time, he even goes in his sleep. He got the chocolate syrup down and poured it all over, he got the dip down and dropped it all over, he dump chips and crackers all over. Let not mention the bottle of waters he has poured out or broken.

Rylee the little dear, she is a superstar when it comes to that Wii I tell you, she is kicking everyone's but, she got the high score in bowling of 198, she is great at. She can even beat me and her dad. She diffenetly rocks the Wii.

Aubree well lets just say that we really need to get back on schudele with her, she is a basket case, cranky, unhappy, and just plan mean. I'm looking forward to school starting again so that bedtime comes back, and she get her sleep.

Well I want to wish everyone a happy new year. I know no one reads this, but it really does help to get out everything that is going on in my head. Chandra dear, your dad, what guy. I'm sorry for what you are going through, you and Brian dont deserve this, but make your choice and stick with it, dont second guess it. Only you and Brian know what best at this point. God never gives us more that what we can handle, trust in him, he will give you guidance.

To anyone else that is going through trying times, remember you are never higher than when you are on your knees. Let God guide you and show you the way.

Oh my dear family, know that you all hold a special place in my heart, my children, I love you more than words can say. Will, I know at times we don't see thing the same way, but know that I love you, and I'm glad that we found each other. Mom and Dad, you are the best, I love you both, thank you for everything that you do for us and the family, know that you both are my heros, and my goal is to be just has giving and forgiving as you both are.
Lynette and Alexius, all though we are miles apart, you are never closer than a phone call away. I only wish that we can be closer physically, I want to be in Kansas with my family so bad, if I could move I would do it in a minute. I want to be closer to my family, that is my one desire most. If only I could convince Will of this.
Cris what can say brother, you bring us such Joy with your video messenging, my kids love it. Thanks big guy I love you. Know that I love you more than words can say.
I miss you all, until we see each other again. God Bless

Well I think that I have teared enough, live is tough, and I must go on. I will continue to wish I was in Kansas.
May everyone have a great and properious new year.

Sunday, December 28, 2008


Ok, Ok, so i have missed a day or too, but Will was sick yesterday, and well we all know how it is with a sick husband, oh can you image if they gave birth.
Anyway even though it was cold yesterday I took Kelby out sledding. We first started out on the swim, where the snow was so deep that his swing rubbed it. It was so cute and he laughted. I then decided, since the dogs got out of their kennels that a walk was in order. So I pulled the sledd out and away we went. The dogs love the baby, I think a little too much. They made sure that he was on that sled every step of the way. When Kieron was 1 years old, I had a black lab mix, she was the best dog ever, I miss her, she has since left our life. But she loved to run, so we thought hooking her to a sled would be fun. Until she spotted the rabbit and away she went. Through pond, over the hay field and under a bar wire fence, thank god Kieron ducked. I thought that since we are now living in town, that why not try it with Ava, the Golden retriever. So I hooked her up and away they went, I had run after her, it was so funny, Rascal the Austrialian shepherd, was barking at her pullin at her, trying to get her to stop. I finally got her stopped before she reach the end of town. I decided that she would do a better job of pullin the girls, little heavier. It was fun, and Kelby giggled the hole time, but a little to scary for me.
After that we decided to come back to the big snow hill that the town pilled in our yard, oh yes, we have a big snow hill and they even made a trail with the buckter on the tractor, it a blast, and with the mix of rain and snow, it is perfect for sledding on. But by the time I made it back, Kelby was ready for a nap.
As I was heading in the other 3 were heading out, not big deal, but boy oh boy did they have fun. By the time they came back in the wind was a blown, and the snow was falling again.
They needed there hot cocco, so i mixed up the cocco.
By the time 9pm rolled around I was exhausted, the girls slept with me the night before, and it was though, a foot in the face, and head in the stomach. I had about 3 inches of bed, Im just lucky I had my own blanket they little devils.

Today we got up and went to sunday school, I was suppose to teach today but no one came, you know its the holiday season, the church was empty.

After church we came home and made omelette in a bag, my kids love though, they are easy and fun to do. We then decided to do fry bread just for a snack. Aubree had to take a nap she was so cranky. So I let Rylee help me, she is so funny, ready the recipe. 1 slask 3 cups of su g ar, oh its sugar. We got it made and fried, it was good. But durning the make of the fry bread it started to snow, ok let me rephrase that it started to blizzard out. Rylee says "look mommy its snow crocked out", oh my how funny was that. It continue for quite awhile, she finally said "when it is it going to stop snowing so hard, so that we can see outside again". It snowed hard for sometime. So glad it didnt last, but Im more that ready to have summer come again. I can wait until they bottle the sun up and sell it, Im the first one in line.

The cell phone, who the heck that it was a good idea to let an 11 year old have a cell phone. Kieron has been on that thing all day, and the day before. He texts all the time, and if he texts me to get him water, one more time, Im going to threw him out in the snow. Ok not really but dude get off your butt and get your own water.

The wiil, oh yeah, we got a wii for christmas, thanks mom and dad. We love it, but man, there needs to be a warning lable on that thing. May cause sore muscles, my ass hurts for this thing, oh correction my hole body hurts from this. Rylee said her shoulder hurts from golfing, ok they did golf for 2 hours, but still. Warning label, warning label.

Well I dont know what tommorrow will bring, no school until the 5th of january, and my kids fight over everything. One might be homeless for the week.
Look forward to the new year to come, I hope that it bring my family and your prosperity. I hope that you find your place with god. For those that are struggle, I hope that you find a way to get out of your struggles. I truely wish I was in a position to help. Trust in GOD, only he has the answers.

Until the next time, God Bless you all.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The day after christmas

Well it was a nice night Christmas Eve so nice we decided to take the kids night sledding, it was so much fun. The tradition for us on Christmas Eve, is we open one gift, it is pj for everyone, then baths, then we make cookies and have hot chocolate, and then its off to bed. Well this year we threw in a twist, sledding, I hope this is one we can do every year.

We all had such a great time.

Christmas morning came rather early, but with four kids we knew

it would. The kids loved thier gifts, it was so much fun to see their faces. Kelby has so much fun on his little power wheel and can get it to go, he just doesnt turn the wheels yet, working on that. The girls thought the scooters were so cool, they are cruising through the house with them. Kieron got a paintball gun, and if it werent so cold, he would be outside painting the house.

I was a nice a christmas just the family, I so wish I had my family here, but we had a nice quite christmas. I made snack food, ok ok, junk food, and we snack all day. We went out sledding again, even though it was colder than last night. I also cooked a nice ham, it was yummy, mashed potatos, gravy, my pistacho salad, pumpkin pie, and a veggie tray. We watch the movie Handcock and had one of Wills brothers over. The kids tought their Nannie how to play the wii.

Im little pissed at Wills boss, it was suppose to be a half of day of work, but instead, he is getting sent with the truck to Great Falls to get feed. Im hoping he makes it back, I so want to take the kids to the movie Marley and Me. The last cheap seat setting is 4pm, and we are about 45 minutes form the show house. So Im hoping he is home by 2 or 3 at the lastest. My kids are so excited about this. I have been dying to see this movie and so have my kids.

On chistmas morning, I opened my email as saw a message from a person, I so hope that people pray for this family. Her dad was in car wreck christmas eve morning, he is in the hospital, swelling of the brain and other problems. Today they will be trying to get him to respond to see if he has brain activities. Not only this tragedy has happend, but her brothers wife is pregrant and in the hospital with difficulties. This family needs everyone to pray for them.

So Chandra and family, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Dear heavenly family, please comfort this family give them peace and healing. Only you know the plan as to which they are to travel. Hold them close do lord, in god we pray, ahem.

There really is not much else to talk about, things were pretty quite around here. Im sure this coming week will bring lots of fun.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

OK so I have decided to update this every morning durning Kelby's nap time, that way you get to hear all about the last day. Our days are filled with a lot of fun and then not so fun.
Tomorrow is Christmas and my kids are like wild monkeys jumping on the bed. They are home and fighting, trying to get each other in trouble, its like they aren't happy if they are not fighting. A lot of it is Aubree getting left out, and her torturing the other 2 because she just wants to play.
Even though Santa comes tonight, they just don't care if they get put on the naughty list last minute.

My mother in law sent presents home with Will, so we decided to open them. Boy oh boy I would love to know what gets in her head when she shops, no really. For some reason she thought that a ceramic goose was just what I wanted, to be honest with ya, I would have been happy with nothing, that is just more junk to take up space. Thank goodness we can re gift, oh don't you worry I will be re gifting that. She also thought that recorders made a great gift for a 5 and 6 year old, Oh my squeak squeak, I'm going nut. Tis the season to give and recieve bad gifts.

Ok so we are having a lot of fun with the Wii, but man who would have thought that my ass would have been so sore, really it killing me. Will said his arms are sore and his back, it like a workout only we don't have to go to the gym or outside when its 20 below. Oh yeah the weather, let me tell you I hate this freaking Montana weather, I would do anything to be living ont he surface of the sun right now. At least we can warm the bedroom that the wii is in, we shut the door and crank the heat, it like a sweat lodge in there, I'm loving it.

I really hate this time of year, unless we are in Kansas, Will's family is just not really family friendly. I love to spend the holidays with family and friends, but up here honestly we dont have any. I would do anything to move back to Kansas, and I mean anything. Dont see that happening since Will thinks living here is just what everyone needs. Thats ok having no friends really has it's advantages, I mean no one to fight with right. This community is so bad like that, I mean its all in the name and how much money you have. The sad part is parents are teaching their younge children this, and some kids are sooo mean. I have told my kids I dont care what you do, you don't say bad things to other kids, end of story, your be nice to everyone, you love everyone. My 6 year old is really getting, she plays with everyone, and no one is left out. We have a different friend from her class over once a week, it helps a little but not much. It really bugs me that kids can be so mean in the first grade. Honestly the school needs to get some kind of leassons on self esteem, self respect, Kindness, and anything else to change the way our children are growing up now. I know bully and being mean is a part of life, but things need to change, the world needs to change.

Ok Ok of my soap box, it just bothers me that girls can be so mean. So I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, a Happy new year, and that this year brings you good tithings.

Until tommorrow enjoy your family and friends.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Starting my blog

I decided to start blogging for several reason. First I live in Montana where its too cold to get out, special with 4 kids and the youngest is only 14 months. Second I really have nothing else to do. Three Im hoping that someone reading this can relate. Other than that Im hoping to have fun and inspire.
I will warn you with 4 kids and helping my husband on the family farm it might be hard to keep up with it, but I shall do my best.
So far nothing has happen thats too funny, other than our trip to the store for 2 things, as I and 3 of the kids are walking through the store I find my 2 items and hurry to the check out, I mean burrrrr it is cold out there and I want to get home back to the heat. Well 2 things with 3 kids turned into 10 things, holy cow how did they mange that. Kelby my 14month was throwning stuff from the cart. The corn was rolling down the isle, and my girls, they must have just been grabing and running. Anyway after my $5.00 worth of groceries turned into $35.00, I decided that grocery shopping with the 3 younge kids this time of year is a joke.
Has mothers we have probably all gone through it, founding more in the grocery cart than expected.
Times are tough here for us, so coming up with the $35.00 was a job, but I did it and now the kids are enjoying sugar.
As you read my blog you will learn that we are poor farmers, struggling to make ends meet.
I am a stay at home mom, to Kieron he is 11 years old, Rylee shes 6 years old, Aubree is 5 years old, and then theres Kelby 14 months old. I have been married to a wonderful man for 13 years and still counting. Will works a day job and then works the family farm at night. It makes for some long days and nights, but somehow he gets it all done.
Our kids keep us busy, very busy, with every sport know. Kieron does hunting, fishing, football, wrestling, swim team, and active in 4-H. He is a kind loving, giving child, that will melt your hearts, he loves his sisters (ok well maybe sometimes he does), but he strives to be good at everything he does.
Rylee is a swimmer, dancer, plays soccer, and is active in 4-H. I will prbably talk more about her. She did a great thing this year but inspiring other to give. She held a lemonade stand to raise money to give to the Chouteau County Shop with a Sheriff program. She also got her 4-H club to hold a fund raiser, and then she did a bake sale. In total she raised over $600.00. There was enough money to take 19 kids shopping, take them out to lunch, and then get them their christmas dinner. Walmart agreed to give $500.00 to the program. Other people saw her hard work and started to donate money to the program. All this from a 6 year old little girl, who own family is struggling wow!!
Aubree my 5 year old, does swim team, soccer, dance and well she is a ball of fire. She is in preschool now and runns the class. She is older and wiser so they all follow her, I will have to make sure that she uses her power for good.
Kelby my 14 month old, well lets just say that staying up with him is a race. He goes all the time, the little guy never stops, he is like the energizer bunny, he just keeps going and going. Im so glad that he takes 3 hour naps though.
Well welcome to our life, our story, our struggles, and to montana living.